Watson Hall, named for Alfred A. Watson, former bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, was once part of St. Paul's School. The school operated from 1899 until the 1936 death of head mistress Nannie Pasteur Davis Geffroy. Though used as a dormitory, Watson Hall, completed in 1906 on Ann Street between the James Davis House and St. Paul's Episcopal Church, functioned partly as lodging for teaching staff. The unique stacked corner front porches once overlooked what is now the newer part of the St. Paul's Cemetery and the school courtyard to the east. In the mid-1940s, this and two other buildings were saved from demolition, moved nearby and converted to private residences. When moved to Orange Street, the "teacherage" was home to James Noe, a Midgett family and others. Purchased for historic restoration in 2000, the home was moved forward on the lot, the interior rebuilt and a 2-story rear addition added.